Cookies policy

Cookies policy

1. What are cookies?

The website, owned by VidaCaixa S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros (hereinafter, “VidaCaixa”), uses cookies and other files of similar functionality (hereinafter, and collectively, "cookies").


Cookies are small data files that websites install on your device to, for example, enable their operation, learn about your browsing habits and improve your experience on future visits. When browsing this website, session cookies and persistent cookies are used which, in turn, may be first-party or third-party cookies.


Session cookies are cookies designed to collect and store data while you access a website. They are usually used to store information that you are only interested in retaining for the provision of the service you have requested on a single occasion.


Persistent cookies are a type of cookie in which the data remains stored on your terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the party responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.


2. Purposes of cookies and third parties / cookie configuration and rejection

We use cookies to enable proper operation and provision of the services offered on this website (for example, for user authentication and identification or for reasons of security).


We also use cookies for the following purposes. Your experience on our website will be limited to the features specified in this section if you prefer not to accept any of them. However, we aim to provide you with full control so that you can decide for yourself at all times.


FIRST-PARTY COOKIES: these are cookies of which VIDACAIXA is the data controller. This website uses first-party cookies for the following purposes:


THIRD-PARTY COOKIES: these are cookies of which third parties not related to VIDACAIXA are the data controllers.


If you save without checking any boxes, this will mean that you reject cookies.



You can accept/reject all cookies by clicking these buttons:

3. Disabling or deleting cookies

To configure or reject cookies, you can use the settings panel in section 2 ("Purposes of cookies and third parties / cookie configuration and rejection").


Likewise, most browsers allow you to manage your preferences regarding the use of cookies at any time. You can adjust your browser to reject or delete certain cookies at your discretion.


To configure cookies, you can do so from your browser through the following links:


You can also revoke your consent to the use of cookies in your browser by installing a plug-in or by using an opt-out system provided by some third parties who install cookies on our website:


If you accept the use of cookies and then reject it, some of these cookies will remain installed on your device. If you wish to delete them, you can do so from your browser, as indicated above in this section.


4. Personal Data Processing


4.1 Controller

The controller is VidaCaixa, whose full name and contact details are set out below:


VidaCaixa, S.A.U. de Seguros y Reaseguros

CIF: A-58333261

Dirección: Paseo de la Castellana 189, planta 1a y 2a, 28046 Madrid (España).


4.2 Data Protection Officer (DPO) Contact Information

VidaCaixa has appointed the Data Protection Officer that CaixaBank has appointed for all CaixaBank Group companies as responsible for matters related to privacy and data protection in the performance of their activity.


Customers can contact the Data Protection Officer by sending an email to or in writing to Calle Pintor Sorolla 2-4 (49002 Valencia) with the reference “Data Protection Officer”.


The Data Protection Officer may be contacted at the following link:


4.3 Purposes for Processing

The purposes for processing are indicated in "Purposes of cookies and third parties / cookie configuration and rejection".


4.4 Legal Basis for Processing

The legal basis for processing is your consent, which you can manage, and revoke as indicated in sections 2 ("Purposes of cookies and third parties / cookie configuration and rejection") and 3 ("Disabling or deleting cookies").


4.5 Categories of data processed

If you accept the use of first-party analytics cookies, we will process the following data:

  • Browsing history: pages visited and clicks on content.

  • Device ID.

  • Advertising ID.

  • IP address.

  • Time and day.


Check the policies of third-party cookies identified in section 2 (“Purposes of cookies and third parties / configuration and refusal of cookies”) for information on the data or categories of data processed.


4.6 Data Recipients

VidaCaixa shares the data it collects the following recipients:

  • Public authorities and agencies in order to comply with a mandatory legal duty.
  • Information technology service providers that act on our behalf as data processors.
  • With respect to the third-party cookies identified in Section 2 (“The purpose of cookies and third-party cookies / settings and rejection of cookies”), you can display their respective policies in the links provided in the text box of the section in question if you want to identify the data recipients, if any.


4.7 Data transfers outside the European Economic Area

Here at VidaCaixa we process your data inside the European Economic Area and we generally procure service providers located within the European Economic Area or in countries that have been declared to have an adequate level of protection.

We will ensure that the security and legitimate interest for processing your data are fully guaranteed if we need to use service providers that process the data outside the European Economic Area or in countries that have not been declared to be equipped with a suitable protection level.

That is why we require appropriate safeguards from these service providers in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation to ensure, for example, that they have implemented binding corporate rules that guarantee the protection of information in a manner similar to that set by European standards or that they have endorsed the European Union's standard contractual clauses.

You can request a copy of the relevant guarantees that CaixaBank requires these suppliers to provide by contacting the Data Protection Officer on this platform.

With respect to the third-party cookies identified in the "Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies" section, you can display their respective policies in the links provided in the section in question if you want to identify the third countries involved.


4.8 Data Storage

The data obtained by using cookies accepted by the user will be kept for a period of 12 months.

With regards to the third parties identified in ("Purpose of cookies and third-party cookies/configuration and rejection of cookies"), read their respective policies, indicated in this section, for more information on their storage periods.


4.9 Exercise of Rights and Claims before the Data Protection Authority / Rights of Data Subjects

The owner of the personal data may exercise the rights in relation to them (access, portability, revocation of consent, rectification, opposition, limitation, deletion) in accordance with current regulations, at CaixaBank branches, at the PO BOX 209-46080 VALENCIA, through data protection: Exercise of rights, or through your digital or mobile banking.


Likewise, you can address the claims derived from the processing of your personal data to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (


You can find more information about these rights here (Spanish).


4.10 Profiling

Your browsing will be monitored to customise non-advertising content (video recommendations on YouTube, for example) or to show you advertising aligned with your interests if you consent to the use of information obtained by means of customisation and/or behavioural advertising cookies. In both cases this practice will be based on a profile created by analysing your browsing habits (for example, clicks on content) under the terms indicated in Section 2, "The purpose of cookies and third-party cookies / settings and rejection of cookies" of this Cookie Policy. For further information please consult the privacy policies of the third-parties’ identified in said Section.


5. Cookies Policy Updates and Changes

VidaCaixa may modify this Cookies Policy according to new legislative or regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt the policy to the instructions dictated by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


When there are significant changes to this Cookies Policy, users will be notified via an information message on the website.