Promoting a culture of responsibility
means applying this culture to the company’s everyday activities and aligning these with its values.
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[F12] Sostenibilidad - Banner secundario
[Navegacion] Sostenibilidad
[F32] Sostenibilidad - Nuestro modelo
VidaCaixa is following the sustainability path and gathering momentum, aware of our its leading role in the industry. This is why our plan focuses not only on investment management under the ESG principles, but also on rolling out VidaCaixa’s commitment to sustainability across the board.
2022-2024 Sustainability Master Plan
We drew up our first 2022- 2024 Sustainability Master Plan with the aim of making progress in aspects linked to the management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. This plan is aligned with the company's values, with stakeholders’ expectations and with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). VidaCaixa is working to identify Sustainable Development Goals with in-house indicators and awareness actions to contribute to the 2030 Agenda.
Also, our Sustainability Plan is aligned with that of the CaixaBank Group and is based on the following strategic points and drivers:
[F18] Sostenibilidad - Beneficios
means applying this culture to the company’s everyday activities and aligning these with its values.
with the funding of a low-carbon economy and products that foster low emissions.
with a focus on creating social value through our products and promoting a quality but sustainable service.
[F18] Sostenibilidad - Beneficios Duplicado 1
as one of the key drivers to boost each of our actions as a company and our products.
to find opportunities for improvement by analysing the procedures and to build the power to innovate.
as a pillar of trust and transparency to spread our social commitment and work.
[F8] Sostenibilidad - Políticas de sostenibilidad
Meeting high standards in the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors requires the company’s effort in aligning itself with best practices, strict compliance with the current legislation, involving the governing and management bodies as much as possible and creating internal control frameworks.
To strengthen a responsible management, VidaCaixa relies on an extensive regulatory framework in the area of sustainability.
[Texto SEO] Sostenibilidad - Principales pactos y adhesiones
Asset Publisher
The global leading institutional investors have committed, through the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, to transition their portfolios to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 in order to meet the Paris Agreement goals against climate change.
Wanting to keep ahead, VidaCaixa has joined this initiative, as further proof of its global commitment to sustainability and promoting a low-carbon economy. This is how VidaCaixa is taking a step forward to set, for the first time, interim goals, committing to reduce, by 2030, GHG emissions from corporate investments (scopes 1 and 2) by at least 50% per million euros invested in its insurance activities, compared to 2019 levels.
In order to achieve these goals and as the cornerstone of the alliance, VidaCaixa works to engage with 20 carbon-intensive companies or those that make up 65% of the emissions in the portfolio, to encourage them to strengthen their commitment to the climate change and conduct relevant reports for decarbonisation. Also, we will keep an active role in funding the energy transition through solutions with a positive impact on climate, such as green bonds.
This decarbonisation commitment is part of the strategic point to “boost sustainability through SRI” in VidaCaixa’s 2022- - 2024 Sustainability Master Plan as detailed in our 2022 Sustainability Report. The other points in the plan entail promoting a culture of responsibility and leading the social impact of the insurance business.
VidaCaixa is committed to the Principles for Sustainability in Insurance (PSI) created by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI):
Principle 1: To embed environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the insurance activity, i.e. in the strategy, investment, risks, product development and marketing.
Principle 2: To work together with our customers and business partners to raise awareness of the importance of these issues, manage risk and develop solutions.
Principle 3: To work together with governments, regulators and other key stakeholders to promote widespread action across society on environmental, social and governance issues.
Principle 4: To regularly, publicly and transparently disclose our progress in implementing the Principles with transparency.
VidaCaixa supports and defends the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, work, the environment and the fight against corruption. Through this partnership, the company is committed to integrating them into its strategy, culture and daily operations, as well as participating in projects that promote the Sustainable Development Goals.
We support responsibility and transparency, and for this reason VidaCaixa discloses its progress with this initiative every year in the Group’s Consolidated Management Report, the Socio-Economic Impact Report, and now also in its Sustainability and Socially Responsible Investment Report.
Since 2009, VidaCaixa has been part of the Business Alliance for Child Vaccination, GAVI Alliance, promoted by Obra Social "la Caixa” and whose mission is to promote access to vaccinations for children living in low-income countries and improve the health systems of those countries.
This initiative is the result of all the public and private work and commitments established in 2000 between the main parties involved in the field of immunisation, governments, the pharmaceutical industry, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, non-governmental organisations and civil society, in their efforts to help reduce child mortality by two thirds, following the guidelines established by the Fourth United Nations Millennium Development Goal.
Pursuing this initiative, the CaixaBank Group began to collaborate with GAVI Alliance back in 2005 and has been its only private partner in Spain and Europe since 2008. Working with the Business Alliance for Child Vaccination, the entity promotes this charity initiative, ensuring that all companies wishing to join it can do so.
The Family Responsible Company (FRC) Model is a certification system promoted by Fundación +Familia (+Family Foundation), which seeks to implement a management model in organisations that will guarantee the adoption of policies and measures aimed at achieving a balance between personal and work life, as well as other aspects such as professional development, job quality, equal opportunities, and diversity management.
VidaCaixa has held this certification since 2009, which is an official recognition of the implementation of a management model that, through a process of continuous improvement over the medium to long-term, promotes the balance between company, work and family life through a series of specific measures.
The “FRC” certification at VidaCaixa is understood as a tool that promotes co-responsibility, achieving a mutual commitment with the business aimed at guaranteeing job stability and quality. All of this is based on a firm commitment to the professional development and growth of its employees.
VidaCaixa became the first life insurance company and state pension fund manager to become a signatory of the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment and integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into the management of our investments. Today, all of VidaCaixa’s portfolios are analysed under these standards.
The Principles of Responsible Investment consist of:
Our plan focuses not only on the management of investments following ESG principles, but also on rolling out VidaCaixa’s commitment to sustainability across the board.
Memoria de sostenibilidad
VidaCaixa wishes to share with you our Sustainability Reports, where we lay down our intrinsic commitment to sustainability and to fostering responsible investments for a more sustainable future.
All of the non-financial information relating to the Company is included in the CaixaBank Group Consolidated Management Report. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
[F34] Memoria de actividades 2018
[F8] Sostenibilidad - Nuestro proceso de inversión
VidaCaixa's commitment to Responsible Investment (RI) is a priority and, as a result, we help businesses and individuals to support a sustainable transition, offering solutions that meet their protection and savings needs throughout their lives.
In order to continue to be leaders in RI matters, the company is constantly improving its management of investments, adapting its management policies to the new European sustainable finance regulations, aligning these efforts with global commitments, such as the 2030 Agenda, and focusing on the transition of the investment portfolios towards a low-carbon economy.
VidaCaixa has an investment management model that is in line with the CaixaBank Group’s values, policies and principles, which meets the requirements of the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan.
One of the axes of this model is the exercise of active ownership which leads us both to foster dialogue with the companies that make up our portfolio, and to use the vote as a lever to improve their sustainability performance. For more information, consult the Engagement Policy, the Engagement Plan and the annual, quarterly voting report and broken down for Pension Plans and EPSV.
The support of 65% of the resolutions proposed by shareholders in terms of ESG is highlighted.
[Texto SEO] Sostenibilidad - categorias relacionadas
[Categorias] Sostenibilidad - Sostenibilidad en nuestros productos
Marketed products
Collective schemes
Multi-option products
Non-market products
[F8] Sostenibilidad - Tu ahorro socialmente responsable
Did you know that your savings can help fight against the climate change and foster gender equality? Investing using the ESG criteria is a way to help improve our planet in social and environmental areas.
[F8] Sostenibilidad - Adquiere un plan de pensiones responsable
If you’re wondering if there’s any way you can be sustainable, try our pension scheme simulator and find the responsible pension scheme that best suits you.
[F8] Sostenibilidad - ¿Cómo beneficia a nuestros clientes?
When you invest your money in one of our pension schemes or in another VidaCaixa product, your savings are not only profitable, they are sustainable too. Our commitment is to ensure that your money works in transparent and fair businesses who respect the environment and promote equality in society.
[Texto SEO] Sostenibilidad - otras categorias
[F2] Sostenibilidad - Otras categorias
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