[F12] [Individuals - Pension plans] Destination

Destination retirement scheme

VidaCaixa will guide you during your first steps towards your future. You decide where you’re heading and we take care of the rest. Our destination retirement schemes are the safest and most transparent way to make a return on your savings at your own pace, with a savings philosophy that works with dates and goals. From among our destination retirement schemes, you can determine your savings goals. Find out about each one and choose the one that best fits your needs. 

[F23][Productos] Individuals - Pension plans - Destino


Choose your future with the best destination retirement scheme that fits you

[Texto SEO] EPSV Destino

[F18] Benefits - Pension plans - Destino


Destination retirement scheme to save up at your own pace

Tax benefits

Make the most of your savings with pension schemes. They are the only financial product with income tax reliefs.

Invest sensibly

Make your savings grow without taking risks. Our destination pension schemes will make a higher return on your savings during the first years and then gradually turn into a stable cushion to protect your money for the future.

Titulo preguntas frecuentes destino

Don’t worry if you have doubts about what’s the best destination retirement scheme for you. We’ll tell you all you need to know to make the best choice to suit your profile, one that will meet all your expectations. Check our FAQs and improve your future standard of living.

Asset Publisher

  • Why would Destino Plans suit me?

    • These plans adjust your investment to the years remaining until retirement. They work as follows: first, savings are made to grow and as the retirement date approaches, the investment strategy gains stability.
  • Is it a safe investment?

    • The Destino Plan portfolios are widely diversified. This is the key. Some years it will be the stock exchanges in emerging markets, in others it will be gold or European bonds. This strategy helps reduce investment risk while maintaining a profitable outlook.
  • Do destination schemes have any tax benefits?

    • Destination schemes are the only financial product that is eligible for income tax relief. The deductible amount will be the lowest between:

      - 30% of the aggregate net income earned from work and economic activities during the year.

      - €1,500 per year but may rise to €8,500 as long as it comes from the company’s or the worker’s deposits into the same retirement savings instrument for an amount that is equal or below the company’s deposit.

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